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Community Calendar

Our Community Calendar is dedicated to local events in and around the Lexington area that may be of interest to the general public.  These family friendly outings encompass all types of events, including classes/workshops, adult education, art, music, entertainment, outdoors, events, festivals, shopping and more. If you have an event you would like listed, please Contact Us with the information.  Thank you for your interest!

Disclaimer: Degarrin does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained within these listings, as events may be modified and/or cancelled at the last minute without our knowledge. For the most up-to-date information about any listing included on our Calendar of Events, we recommend checking the event’s website or contact information, which is generally included in the description section of the event listing.

Events in September 2024

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • 09/01/2024(1 event)

    09/01/2024 09/02/2024

    Thursday, September 2nd marks the beginning of the Celtic tree month of Vine which runs through September 29th. The Vine welcomes the completion of the harvest and the coming of the end of the Celtic year.

  • 09/02/2024(3 events)

    09/01/2024 09/02/2024

    Thursday, September 2nd marks the beginning of the Celtic tree month of Vine which runs through September 29th. The Vine welcomes the completion of the harvest and the coming of the end of the Celtic year.


    Visit to know more about Labor Day.

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  • 09/03/2024
  • 09/04/2024
  • 09/05/2024
  • 09/06/2024
  • 09/07/2024
  • 09/08/2024(1 event)

    09/08/2024 09/09/2024

    Saturn will be at opposition -- its closest approach to Earth. It will be brighter this week than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. A medium-sized or larger telescope will allow you to see Saturn's rings and a few of its brightest moons.

    Fun fact: Saturn's rings are relatively new. They coalesced around the same time that trees and sharks were making their first appearance on Earth some 400 million years ago.

  • 09/09/2024(1 event)

    09/08/2024 09/09/2024

    Saturn will be at opposition -- its closest approach to Earth. It will be brighter this week than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. A medium-sized or larger telescope will allow you to see Saturn's rings and a few of its brightest moons.

    Fun fact: Saturn's rings are relatively new. They coalesced around the same time that trees and sharks were making their first appearance on Earth some 400 million years ago.

  • 09/10/2024
  • 09/11/2024(1 event)


  • 09/12/2024
  • 09/13/2024
  • 09/14/2024
  • 09/15/2024
  • 09/16/2024
  • 09/17/2024(3 events)


    Unlike the penumbral eclipse in March, this moon will pass through a section of the umbra -- the darkest part of Earth's shadow cast by the sun. Consequently, a portion of the moon's surface will be entirely hidden from view for observers in the Americas, Africa, and Europe.



    The Farmer's Almanac described this as the Harvest Moon because it gave farmers several extra evenings of moonlight to allow them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrived. Tender vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, winter squash, and pumpkins must be picked before the first frost.

    It is the Harvest Moon! On gilded vanes
    And roofs of villages, on woodland crests
    And their aerial neighborhoods of nests
    Deserted, on the curtained window-panes
    Of rooms where children sleep, on country lanes
    And harvest-fields, its mystic splendor rests!
    Gone are the birds that were our summer guests,
    With the last sheaves return the laboring wains!
    All things are symbols: the external shows
    Of Nature have their image in the mind,
    As flowers and fruits and falling of the leaves;
    The song-birds leave us at the summer's close,
    Only the empty nests are left behind,
    And pipings of the quail among the sheaves.

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    1807 –1882

  • 09/18/2024
  • 09/19/2024
  • 09/20/2024
  • 09/21/2024
  • 09/22/2024(2 events)



    The Sun will beam down directly on the equator giving us just about equal amounts of day and night in most parts of the world. North of the equator, this is your Autumnal Equinox. If you live south of the equator, this is your Spring Equinox.

    Also, try balancing an egg on its end! Whether or not you succeed has nothing to do with the Equinox, but it's still a fun game to try on any day of the year. 🙂

  • 09/23/2024(1 event)

    09/23/2024 09/24/2024

    Libra (♎) is one of the twelve astrological signs in the Zodiac. It spans the 180-210th degree of the zodiac, between 180 and 207.25 degree of celestial longitude, which the Sun transits this area on average between (northern autumnal equinox) September 23 to October 22 each year.
    In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Libra from October 16 to November 15 (approximately).

    (Air) ruled by Venus – Increases self-awareness, favors self-examination and interaction with others. Marriage, partnerships, legal matters, small animals. Peace, diplomacy, couple’s magick, artistic and spiritual work, karma and justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise); healing of the lower back, adrenals, kidneys, venous system, lumbar nerves, skin.

    While the moon is in Libra our minds turn to aesthetics and to balance. It is a good time for couple’s magick, and for all spells for peace and balance, or for the promotion of fairness and justice. Venus rules romance and this is a propitious transit for love magick. Spells requiring, or aligned with, diplomacy and adaptability also work well.

  • 09/24/2024(2 events)

    09/23/2024 09/24/2024

    Libra (♎) is one of the twelve astrological signs in the Zodiac. It spans the 180-210th degree of the zodiac, between 180 and 207.25 degree of celestial longitude, which the Sun transits this area on average between (northern autumnal equinox) September 23 to October 22 each year.
    In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Libra from October 16 to November 15 (approximately).

    (Air) ruled by Venus – Increases self-awareness, favors self-examination and interaction with others. Marriage, partnerships, legal matters, small animals. Peace, diplomacy, couple’s magick, artistic and spiritual work, karma and justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise); healing of the lower back, adrenals, kidneys, venous system, lumbar nerves, skin.

    While the moon is in Libra our minds turn to aesthetics and to balance. It is a good time for couple’s magick, and for all spells for peace and balance, or for the promotion of fairness and justice. Venus rules romance and this is a propitious transit for love magick. Spells requiring, or aligned with, diplomacy and adaptability also work well.


  • 09/25/2024
  • 09/26/2024
  • 09/27/2024
  • 09/28/2024
  • 09/29/2024
  • 09/30/2024
  • 10/01/2024(1 event)


    Let's find alien life in the waters of Jupiter's moon, Europa! No, really, let's have a look. NASA hasn't announced a date yet, but October 2024 is the speculative launch window for the Europa Clipper mission. The mission aims to analyze Europa's habitability by studying its ice shell, subsurface water, and ocean properties, assessing the ocean's habitability through its composition and chemistry, and examining surface features and areas of high scientific interest.

    Here's a great book on the topic: ALIEN OCEANS: The search for life in the depths of space

  • 10/02/2024(2 events)



    Annular solar eclipses aren't so dramatic as total eclipses, but they're still worth pulling out your sun-filtering goggles so you can witness a ring of light around the darkened moon in midday. The Sun's corona will be fully hiden for those of you lurking in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of South America, parts of southern Chile, and Argentina.

  • 10/03/2024
  • 10/04/2024
  • 10/05/2024

Degarrin is closed each year on the following*:

  • Vernalis Sabbat – Spring Equinox  (March – changes yearly)
  • Litha Sabbat – Summer Solstice (June – changes yearly)
  • Independence Day – July 4th
  • Cornucopia Sabbat – Autumn Equinox (September – changes yearly)
  • Nocturem Sabbat (Degarrin’s Birthday) – (October 31st)
  • Thanksgiving Day – November (changes yearly – always the fourth Thursday in November)
  • Winter Holidays** – December 21st through January 1st

*Degarrin may also choose to close on other days throughout the year as deemed necessary, beyond what appears on this list. Those days will be announced on the calendar and/or Twitter/Facebook feed.

**Degarrin is closed during this time so that members may celebrate Yule, as well as allow members an opportunity to spend time with family who celebrate other holidays during that occur during this time.


Looking for more events in the Kentucky area? Try these calendar sites!


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