To Seek, To Know, To BeCoven Services
Services for Members are generally held every Sunday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., with the exception of certain established dates. Coven services may include Prayers, Clerical Discussion, Seminary Learning, Rituals, Spellwork, Meditation etc. Degarrin may also meet at other days and times for special occasions. These events are posted on the Coven Calendar.
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About Us
Degarrin (pronounced dee-gair-inn) walks a path of magick and spirituality, enhancing personal growth and self-discovery through well-being, transformation, creative expression, fellowship, education, community rites and services. As a Wiccan-based Free Church, we support and foster tolerance between all faiths.
Our ministers provide many spiritual services, including chaplaincy and handfastings. For a full listing of what we have to offer, visit the ministries area of the site.
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.”
Below is a short list of books that Degarrin often recommends to those who are just starting out on the Path; several of these authors also have books available at more advanced levels as well. These books should be available at most major bookstores and/or the local library.
- Pagan Ways by Gwydion O’Hara
- True Magick by Amber K
- Embracing the Moon by Yasmine Galenorn
- To Ride A Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenwolf
- Any books by Scott Cunningham
Additionally, we also refer those who are not sure of their path to take the Belief Net Faith Quiz. It helps identify one’s beliefs and the corresponding faith.