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Aquarius Zodiac Start

01/20/2025 01/21/2025

Although the dates vary depending on the year, the Tropical zodiac sign of Aquarius typically begins on the cusp day January 20 and ends on February 18.

In astrology, a planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has ruler ship. The traditional planet that is said to be the ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. A result of the ancient hieroglyph for water, the symbol for Aquarius (♒) is two undulating lines of waves. Similarly, the color that is associated with the zodiacal Aquarius is an aqueous blue. Aquarius is one of the three signs which compose the air triplicate, along with Gemini and Libra. It is also one of the masculine signs, and a fixed sign.

Favors activities that are unique and individualistic. Friendship, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, groups and organizations. Peace, understanding, rational actions, gatherings, troubled covens to gather, aid in achieving personal goals, freedom, creative expression or problem solving, cultivate your extrasensory abilities and friendships. Science, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, tibia, fibula, circulation, the breath.

There’s been a lot of New Age hype about the sterling qualities of Aquarius but, like all the signs, it has its negative aspects. These include a tendency to selfishness, air-headedness, thought without action, and generally allowing one’s mind to wander aimlessly in some vast pseudo-intellectual wilderness. However, it is also a time when people as a whole tend to be inspired to higher consciousness. Because of this, the Aquarian transit is a good time for troubled covens to meet. Magick for world peace and understanding are best undertaken during this sign. Warning: because this sign is now outwardly fighting for its identity in this New Age, anything can happen in your Aquarian/moon magick.

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