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Community Calendar

Our Community Calendar is dedicated to local events in and around the Lexington area that may be of interest to the general public.  These family friendly outings encompass all types of events, including classes/workshops, adult education, art, music, entertainment, outdoors, events, festivals, shopping and more. If you have an event you would like listed, please Contact Us with the information.  Thank you for your interest!

Disclaimer: Degarrin does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained within these listings, as events may be modified and/or cancelled at the last minute without our knowledge. For the most up-to-date information about any listing included on our Calendar of Events, we recommend checking the event’s website or contact information, which is generally included in the description section of the event listing.

Events in January 2025

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • 12/29/2024
  • 12/30/2024(1 event)


  • 12/31/2024
  • 01/01/2025(2 events)


    This event is in your calendar because at some point you subscribed to Canton Becker's moon and astronomical events calendar. If you are reading this and you do not see any moon phases in 2025, you may need to resubscribe. If you use Google Calendar I strongly recommend you un-subscribe and re-subscribe each year as that service tends to not update itself very well.


    Visit to know more about New Year's Day.

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  • 01/02/2025
  • 01/03/2025
  • 01/04/2025
  • 01/05/2025
  • 01/06/2025(1 event)


  • 01/07/2025
  • 01/08/2025
  • 01/09/2025
  • 01/10/2025
  • 01/11/2025
  • 01/12/2025
  • 01/13/2025(1 event)


  • 01/14/2025
  • 01/15/2025
  • 01/16/2025
  • 01/17/2025
  • 01/18/2025
  • 01/19/2025(2 events)

    01/19/2025 01/20/2025

    Capricorn (♑) is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. It spans the 270–300th degree of the zodiac, between 270 and 305.25 degree of celestial longitude. In astrology, Capricorn is considered an introvert sign, an earth sign, and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In the Tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac from December 22 to January 19 each year. In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Capricorn from January 15 – February 14 (approximately).

    (Earth) ruled by Saturn – Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline. Business, career, reputation, fathers, honor. Material concerns and grounding, past lives, careers, political matters and recognition, organization, ambition; healing of the knees, bones, skin, cutaneous system, joints, knee-cap.

    While the moon is in stable Capricorn is the time for dealing with material concerns, such as magick for obtaining a much needed item. It is also a transit when pessimism and despondency tend to come to the fore front. If you are prone to depression, avoid divination during this transit and, instead, work spells for a better mental attitude. This is a time of stability, when grounding rituals and centering rituals work especially well. The influence of Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn, can assist in uncovering past-lives and overcoming past negative influences.

    01/19/2025 01/20/2025

    Capricorn (♑) is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. It spans the 270–300th degree of the zodiac, between 270 and 305.25 degree of celestial longitude. In astrology, Capricorn is considered an introvert sign, an earth sign, and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In the Tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac from December 22 to January 19 each year. In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Capricorn from January 15 – February 14 (approximately).

    (Earth) ruled by Saturn – Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline. Business, career, reputation, fathers, honor. Material concerns and grounding, past lives, careers, political matters and recognition, organization, ambition; healing of the knees, bones, skin, cutaneous system, joints, knee-cap.

    While the moon is in stable Capricorn is the time for dealing with material concerns, such as magick for obtaining a much needed item. It is also a transit when pessimism and despondency tend to come to the fore front. If you are prone to depression, avoid divination during this transit and, instead, work spells for a better mental attitude. This is a time of stability, when grounding rituals and centering rituals work especially well. The influence of Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn, can assist in uncovering past-lives and overcoming past negative influences.

  • 01/20/2025(5 events)

    01/19/2025 01/20/2025

    Capricorn (♑) is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. It spans the 270–300th degree of the zodiac, between 270 and 305.25 degree of celestial longitude. In astrology, Capricorn is considered an introvert sign, an earth sign, and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In the Tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac from December 22 to January 19 each year. In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Capricorn from January 15 – February 14 (approximately).

    (Earth) ruled by Saturn – Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline. Business, career, reputation, fathers, honor. Material concerns and grounding, past lives, careers, political matters and recognition, organization, ambition; healing of the knees, bones, skin, cutaneous system, joints, knee-cap.

    While the moon is in stable Capricorn is the time for dealing with material concerns, such as magick for obtaining a much needed item. It is also a transit when pessimism and despondency tend to come to the fore front. If you are prone to depression, avoid divination during this transit and, instead, work spells for a better mental attitude. This is a time of stability, when grounding rituals and centering rituals work especially well. The influence of Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn, can assist in uncovering past-lives and overcoming past negative influences.

    01/19/2025 01/20/2025

    Capricorn (♑) is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. It spans the 270–300th degree of the zodiac, between 270 and 305.25 degree of celestial longitude. In astrology, Capricorn is considered an introvert sign, an earth sign, and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In the Tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac from December 22 to January 19 each year. In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Capricorn from January 15 – February 14 (approximately).

    (Earth) ruled by Saturn – Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline. Business, career, reputation, fathers, honor. Material concerns and grounding, past lives, careers, political matters and recognition, organization, ambition; healing of the knees, bones, skin, cutaneous system, joints, knee-cap.

    While the moon is in stable Capricorn is the time for dealing with material concerns, such as magick for obtaining a much needed item. It is also a transit when pessimism and despondency tend to come to the fore front. If you are prone to depression, avoid divination during this transit and, instead, work spells for a better mental attitude. This is a time of stability, when grounding rituals and centering rituals work especially well. The influence of Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn, can assist in uncovering past-lives and overcoming past negative influences.

    01/20/2025 01/21/2025

    Although the dates vary depending on the year, the Tropical zodiac sign of Aquarius typically begins on the cusp day January 20 and ends on February 18.

    In astrology, a planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has ruler ship. The traditional planet that is said to be the ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. A result of the ancient hieroglyph for water, the symbol for Aquarius (â™’) is two undulating lines of waves. Similarly, the color that is associated with the zodiacal Aquarius is an aqueous blue. Aquarius is one of the three signs which compose the air triplicate, along with Gemini and Libra. It is also one of the masculine signs, and a fixed sign.

    Favors activities that are unique and individualistic. Friendship, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, groups and organizations. Peace, understanding, rational actions, gatherings, troubled covens to gather, aid in achieving personal goals, freedom, creative expression or problem solving, cultivate your extrasensory abilities and friendships. Science, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, tibia, fibula, circulation, the breath.

    There’s been a lot of New Age hype about the sterling qualities of Aquarius but, like all the signs, it has its negative aspects. These include a tendency to selfishness, air-headedness, thought without action, and generally allowing one’s mind to wander aimlessly in some vast pseudo-intellectual wilderness. However, it is also a time when people as a whole tend to be inspired to higher consciousness. Because of this, the Aquarian transit is a good time for troubled covens to meet. Magick for world peace and understanding are best undertaken during this sign. Warning: because this sign is now outwardly fighting for its identity in this New Age, anything can happen in your Aquarian/moon magick.

    01/20/2025 01/21/2025

    Although the dates vary depending on the year, the Tropical zodiac sign of Aquarius typically begins on the cusp day January 20 and ends on February 18.

    In astrology, a planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has ruler ship. The traditional planet that is said to be the ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. A result of the ancient hieroglyph for water, the symbol for Aquarius (â™’) is two undulating lines of waves. Similarly, the color that is associated with the zodiacal Aquarius is an aqueous blue. Aquarius is one of the three signs which compose the air triplicate, along with Gemini and Libra. It is also one of the masculine signs, and a fixed sign.

    Favors activities that are unique and individualistic. Friendship, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, groups and organizations. Peace, understanding, rational actions, gatherings, troubled covens to gather, aid in achieving personal goals, freedom, creative expression or problem solving, cultivate your extrasensory abilities and friendships. Science, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, tibia, fibula, circulation, the breath.

    There’s been a lot of New Age hype about the sterling qualities of Aquarius but, like all the signs, it has its negative aspects. These include a tendency to selfishness, air-headedness, thought without action, and generally allowing one’s mind to wander aimlessly in some vast pseudo-intellectual wilderness. However, it is also a time when people as a whole tend to be inspired to higher consciousness. Because of this, the Aquarian transit is a good time for troubled covens to meet. Magick for world peace and understanding are best undertaken during this sign. Warning: because this sign is now outwardly fighting for its identity in this New Age, anything can happen in your Aquarian/moon magick.


    Visit to know more about M L King Day.

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  • 01/21/2025(3 events)

    01/20/2025 01/21/2025

    Although the dates vary depending on the year, the Tropical zodiac sign of Aquarius typically begins on the cusp day January 20 and ends on February 18.

    In astrology, a planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has ruler ship. The traditional planet that is said to be the ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. A result of the ancient hieroglyph for water, the symbol for Aquarius (â™’) is two undulating lines of waves. Similarly, the color that is associated with the zodiacal Aquarius is an aqueous blue. Aquarius is one of the three signs which compose the air triplicate, along with Gemini and Libra. It is also one of the masculine signs, and a fixed sign.

    Favors activities that are unique and individualistic. Friendship, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, groups and organizations. Peace, understanding, rational actions, gatherings, troubled covens to gather, aid in achieving personal goals, freedom, creative expression or problem solving, cultivate your extrasensory abilities and friendships. Science, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, tibia, fibula, circulation, the breath.

    There’s been a lot of New Age hype about the sterling qualities of Aquarius but, like all the signs, it has its negative aspects. These include a tendency to selfishness, air-headedness, thought without action, and generally allowing one’s mind to wander aimlessly in some vast pseudo-intellectual wilderness. However, it is also a time when people as a whole tend to be inspired to higher consciousness. Because of this, the Aquarian transit is a good time for troubled covens to meet. Magick for world peace and understanding are best undertaken during this sign. Warning: because this sign is now outwardly fighting for its identity in this New Age, anything can happen in your Aquarian/moon magick.

    01/20/2025 01/21/2025

    Although the dates vary depending on the year, the Tropical zodiac sign of Aquarius typically begins on the cusp day January 20 and ends on February 18.

    In astrology, a planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has ruler ship. The traditional planet that is said to be the ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. A result of the ancient hieroglyph for water, the symbol for Aquarius (â™’) is two undulating lines of waves. Similarly, the color that is associated with the zodiacal Aquarius is an aqueous blue. Aquarius is one of the three signs which compose the air triplicate, along with Gemini and Libra. It is also one of the masculine signs, and a fixed sign.

    Favors activities that are unique and individualistic. Friendship, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, groups and organizations. Peace, understanding, rational actions, gatherings, troubled covens to gather, aid in achieving personal goals, freedom, creative expression or problem solving, cultivate your extrasensory abilities and friendships. Science, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, tibia, fibula, circulation, the breath.

    There’s been a lot of New Age hype about the sterling qualities of Aquarius but, like all the signs, it has its negative aspects. These include a tendency to selfishness, air-headedness, thought without action, and generally allowing one’s mind to wander aimlessly in some vast pseudo-intellectual wilderness. However, it is also a time when people as a whole tend to be inspired to higher consciousness. Because of this, the Aquarian transit is a good time for troubled covens to meet. Magick for world peace and understanding are best undertaken during this sign. Warning: because this sign is now outwardly fighting for its identity in this New Age, anything can happen in your Aquarian/moon magick.


  • 01/22/2025
  • 01/23/2025
  • 01/24/2025
  • 01/25/2025
  • 01/26/2025
  • 01/27/2025
  • 01/28/2025
  • 01/29/2025(2 events)



  • 01/30/2025
  • 01/31/2025
  • 02/01/2025

Degarrin is closed each year on the following*:

  • Vernalis Sabbat – Spring Equinox  (March – changes yearly)
  • Litha Sabbat – Summer Solstice (June – changes yearly)
  • Independence Day – July 4th
  • Cornucopia Sabbat – Autumn Equinox (September – changes yearly)
  • Nocturem Sabbat (Degarrin’s Birthday) – (October 31st)
  • Thanksgiving Day – November (changes yearly – always the fourth Thursday in November)
  • Winter Holidays** – December 21st through January 1st

*Degarrin may also choose to close on other days throughout the year as deemed necessary, beyond what appears on this list. Those days will be announced on the calendar and/or Twitter/Facebook feed.

**Degarrin is closed during this time so that members may celebrate Yule, as well as allow members an opportunity to spend time with family who celebrate other holidays during that occur during this time.


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